Healthy Beverage Initiative
The goals of the UC Healthy Beverage Initiative (HBI), via the Healthy Campus Network, are to provide the opportunity for UC campuses to make strides toward reducing sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) sales and to provide and promote tap water as a healthy alternative.
The UC Berkeley Food and Beverage Choices Policy aligns with the HBI and includes many standards to promote healthier beverage choices.
Refill Stations on Campus
- Find water stations on the map below.
- Thanks to funding from the Healthy Beverage Initiative, the Green Initiative Fund (TGIF), departments, and new construction budgets, refill stations can be found near building entrances in many campus buildings.
For any questions, email Kim Guess at

#WaterMadeThis Campaign
#WaterMadeThis Social Media Campaign
Check out @bewellcal on Instagram for ongoing content and giveaways! We will periodically post HBI reels. Like the reel and tag a friend in the comments to be entered into the drawing! We will give away $50 gift cards to Eat Well Berkeley restaurants like Yali's and eco-friendly shops like the Ecology Center. Rules: You must be a UC Berkeley student, staff, or faculty member to win.
Past Programs:
Water Made This: 3-Week Healthy Lifestyle Program for Faculty & Staff
September 20 - October 10, 2021
Water makes a lot of things… the majority of the human body, the majority of the earth’s surface, and more! In conjunction with our #WaterMadeThis social media campaign to promote water and the new refill stations across campus, we are celebrating water with this 3-week program. Join this program for encouragement to choose healthy and environmentally friendly beverages, learn about valuable resources, and win prizes! $50 gift cards to campus restaurants will be given away weekly!
All faculty and staff who registered received a customized stainless steel travel straw and a Fill It Forward sticker that enabled them to use the app.
Healthy Beverage Initiative Informational Session
Thu, Sept 9, 2021 (Recorded)
This brief informational session introduced the Healthy Beverage Initiative and discussed:
- The purpose, process, and outcomes of the Healthy Beverage Initiative
- How our 3-week healthy lifestyle program works and how it can help you stay hydrated, reduce single-use plastics, win prizes, and have fun while doing it!
- Fill It Forward app - how to use it and how it can help you, UC Berkeley, and water projects around the world!
Water Made This Social Media Campaign
Fall 2021: September 20 - October 31, 2021
For students, faculty, and staff
To enter:
- Create an Instagram post sharing how water helps you be well at Cal.
- Use the hashtag #WaterMadeThis and tag @BeWellCal.
Posts can be of you on campus, in nature, or showing your favorite reusable water bottle and fill station on campus. Each week, we picked one post at random, as well as our favorite post to share. Note: We can only see posts from public accounts or stories with @bewellcal tagged. Winners will be notified by direct message.
This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed administered by, or associated with Instagram.
Bottle Filler Installation Guide
Are you looking to improve drinking water access in your department? Use the Bottle Filler Installation Guide to better understand the options and the process.
If your department has a water cooler with 3-5 gallon jugs, consider replacing it with an eco-friendly bottle-less cooler. See the above guide for more information.
Fill it Forward
In partnership with Cal Zero Waste, HBI is promoting Fill It Forward, a program that helps you track your water bottle reuse and environmental footprint in real time and contributes to charitable projects around the world.
Fill It Forward stickers were given away during the Water Made This program. The mobile app is available on:
Fill It Forward is simple––all you have to do is place your Fill It Forward sticker on your reusable bottle, download the Fill It Forward app on your mobile device, and scan your sticker every time you refill your reusable bottle! Every scan donates funds to a charitable project and allows UC Berkeley to measure reuse on campus.
Zero Waste October
Zero Waste October is celebrated each fall. We are calling on the campus community to join us in celebrating, highlighting, and achieving zero waste through a diverse series of events and gatherings; the goal is to spread awareness about reducing overall campus waste and provide students, faculty, and staff with the tools and knowledge to do so.
For more information, visit the Zero Waste webpage.
Health and Safety
Why Do We Have a Healthy Beverage Initiative?
Unhealthy dietary patterns, such as ones high in added sugars, are a major contributor to the development of preventable chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Food environments saturated with marketing and the easy availability of hyper-palatable, low-nutrient foods increase the consumption of these unhealthy options. Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), such as soda, sports drinks, sweetened juice, and sweetened coffees and teas, are the main source of added sugars in the American diet.
- The Heavy Environmental Impact of Sugary Drinks (University of California Research Consortium on Beverages and Health)
Also, see the campus tap water quality FAQ below.
- Tap water at UC Berkeley is sourced from the Sierra Nevada snowmelt and then further filtered by our water district East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) before it reaches campus water fountains. Water quality is determined through rigorous testing for contaminants and results must meet or surpass federal and state drinking standards. As such, the water UC Berkeley receives from the tap is very high quality.
- See the Annual Water Quality Report from EBMUD.
- If you are curious about water outside of the campus area, learn more using the Community Water Center's tool or Is My Water Safe workbook.
- If you determine that your water is unsafe to drink, review the resources in the workbook (starting on page 8).
- Fountains on campus are cleaned daily by our campus facilities staff.
- If you should encounter a water fountain that needs attention, please send an email to Patrick Kaulback, the campus Sanitarian, at Thank you for your help!
Your Money
- Bottled water, which can cost as much per gallon as gasoline, can be a thousand times more expensive than tap water.
Your Action
- Make water your preferred beverage.
- Use a refillable water container and always recycle when those occasions arise when you need to purchase bottled water.
Tap Water FAQs
Is tap water on the UC Berkeley campus safe to drink?
The answer is YES! Tap water is distributed to the campus by the East Bay Municipal Utilities District (EBMUD). The water comes from an excellent source in the Sierras to various EBMUD treatment plants where it is further processed to ensure the water meets regulatory standards under the Safe Drinking Water Act before it reaches our taps. See the annual water quality report from EBMUD.
What kinds of contaminants are typically found in tap water?
Tap water contains many different constituents which are controlled by EBMUD to meet regulatory limits. They are grouped into different categories such as Primary Constituents which can impart health effects, Secondary Constituents which impact the aesthetic quality of water, and Lead/Copper. A more complete list of constituents is found on the EBMUD website in the Annual Water Quality Report. This report is also available in Spanish and Chinese.
At UC Berkeley, questions sometimes arise about possible bacteria or lead in the water. Dozens of water quality lab tests performed on tap water from various campus buildings have demonstrated the absence of bacteria, even in the presence of unpleasant odors and taste. Lead has been found in some taps, but at levels that do not constitute a health hazard to the general public. Pregnant women and those caring for young children should understand lead hazards for their particular circumstances. Consult with EH&S or your medical provider for more information.
Does the age of a campus building affect the tap water quality?
In general terms, older buildings can be more susceptible to higher lead levels, but lab test results for campus buildings of differing ages do not always correlate with that hypothesis. Bacterial tests have always been good regardless of building age.
The water from the tap looks, smells, and tastes unpleasant. Is it okay to drink it?
EH&S has received complaints in the past about brown, blue, or red-colored water. Usually, this is a result of water standing in the pipes for an extended period of time, such as over a school break period. Iron and copper in the water pipes can leach into the water and cause this kind of discoloration. Simply flushing the water until it runs clear remedies the problem and helps ensure the water is safe to drink.
Cloudy water is often the result of air in the pipeline after some types of plumbing maintenance work. Tiny bubbles can form in the water which will dissipate if the water is placed in a glass and allowed to stand before consumption. It is okay to drink this water.
Some people can smell chlorine or bleach odors in tap water. This is usually caused by the addition of chlorine to the water by EBMUD, and the interaction of that chlorine with a build-up of organic material in the plumbing system. It is safe to drink this water.
Should I filter the tap water before drinking it?
Filters on a tap or in stand-alone pitchers can improve the taste and odor. Check the filter manufacturer’s statements about the removal of other contaminants such as lead. Filters require regular maintenance, and if left unattended can negatively impact the water quality. A filter is typically not necessary unless users of that particular tap dislike the taste or odor of the water. See the Guide To Tap Water Filtration from Food and Water Watch.
How can I request a filter replacement in a campus refill station?
To request a filter replacement in a campus refill station, please submit a work order to Facilities Services at 642-1032.
Is it okay to use hot tap water for consumption?
This is not recommended since hot water sitting in the pipes can more readily leach contaminants into the water, most notably lead. Always draw water from the cold tap if it will be used for cooking or drinking, and then heat the water if desired. This applies to water drawn at home as well.
The only tap water source available to me is the restroom sink. Is it okay to drink water from there?
Drinking fountains and sinks are all part of the same plumbing system. Drinking fountains, however, may feature chillers or filters to improve the temperature and taste. It’s okay to drink water from the restroom sink if there is no drinking fountain or kitchen sink available. There is no significant risk of water contamination from restroom faucets.
What about industrial water?
Some campus buildings have designated industrial water lines that serve mechanical equipment and labs. Industrial water and tap water are drawn from the same potable water supply for the building, but once inside they are split into two different lines. The industrial lines have several backflow preventers that prohibit the reverse flow of water to the other domestic lines, so there is no risk of cross-contamination. Sinks plumbed with industrial water are labeled as such and usually carry the additional comment “Do Not Drink.” If there is a concern that a sink may be plumbed with industrial water and not properly labeled, Facilities Services can verify the type of plumbing line and provide appropriate signage.
I still don’t believe the tap water is safe to drink. What else can I do?
EH&S can sample the water and have it tested by a state-certified laboratory. EH&S has a small budget to pay for sampling when there is an objective reason to suspect the water quality. If there is no objective reason to suspect a problem with the water quality, EH&S may recharge the associated department where the sample is collected for lab costs. EH&S will provide the labor at no cost.
Where can I get more information about water quality?
The following websites have great information:
Or contact EH&S at 510-642-3073, or
I Heart Tap Water Campaign (2009-2014)
I Heart Tap Water was an active, collaborative campaign from 2009 to 2014 between campus partners Cal Dining, Recreational Sports, Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S), and University Health Services to promote the drinking of tap water as the preferred beverage of choice and to make tap water more accessible with water refill stations and bottle fillers retrofitted to existing water fountains.