
This nutrition blog features thoughts, tips, and videos from our student Nutrition Outreach Workers (NOW) and UHS Registered Dietitians.

No Cook Recipes

March 6, 2019
As college students, making healthy meals may seem difficult or time-consuming. However, this video is here to teach you a few new, quick, and easy-to-make recipes you can add to your daily eating schedule!

"Embodied" by Connie Sobczak

April 3, 2019

Image of Video still of Connie during the Embodied Talk

Embodied, a talk with Connie Sobczak

Connie Sobczak is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of The Body Positive and Author of Embody: Learning to Love Your Unique Body (and quiet that critical voice!)

This event was during...

Finals Week Nutrition Tips

April 26, 2018
During RRR week make sure to REPLENISH your energy to study effectively! Throughout RRR week and Finals Week, it’s easy to fall into the cycle of studying and preparing for finals while not making enough time to take care of yourself. But did you know that you can combat stress simply by taking care of your health and well-being? Check out some of these tips from the Nutrition Outreach Workers (NOWs): to keep your mind and body energized and ready to take on finals!

Meet our Nutrition Outreach Workers (NOW)

September 15, 2017
There are new food experts in town! Please meet the Nutrition Outreach Workers, aka NOW. The NOWs are nutrition students at UC Berkeley hoping to spread nutrition information to their peers.

My Experience as a NOW

March 2, 2021

Nutrition Outreach Workers smiling for camera in their blue shirts.Hello, my fellow Golden Bears! My name is Anisha Dosanjh and I am one of the Nutrition Outreach Workers (NOWs) from University Health Services. I am a third year here at Cal, double majoring in Public Health and Molecular and Cell Biology.

For those of you who have not seen or heard about the amazing things we do...

COVID-19 Food Thoughts

November 24, 2020

Fiona Beltran, Nutrition Outreach Worker

Let’s talk about Covid-19. Not the virus itself, but how it has changed our lives. Living in the Covid era, there’s little to do. We can do outdoor activities, sit 6 feet away from our friends, make small talk over Zoom and experience all of the excruciating, awkward silence when no one speaks, but where does food fit in?

Grabbing a socially distanced meal or a cup of coffee with a friend is one of the essential activities we can still do in the Covid 19 era. I’ve never looked forward to buying something as simple as a 99 cent Frosty through the drive-through window quite as much as I do now!

Covid has changed our view of food. The highlight of my week now is the walk I take to get a cappuccino in the morning or my weekly lunch date with a friend. Sometimes when I’m stir crazy I decide to run out and grab a snack, thankful for the change of scenery and fresh face as I order, pay, and enjoy. Looking forward to food dates with friends and family or impulsive drive through runs is a new, but a regular part of our lives now. With food taking an unexpected more prominent role, and an unintentional lack of exercise accompanying it due to work from home and online school, food feels different. It’s easy to feel overindulged, or easily full. Waking up 2 minutes before a morning lecture is great, but sometimes we skip breakfast and then satisfy our hunger too readily at lunch and feel bloated and uncomfortable.

Mindful Eating

October 24, 2018
Have you ever found yourself eating unconsciously while you’re mentally writing a to-do list? I know I have! As a student, it often seems like there’s not enough time in the day to eat. Between midterms, work-study commitments, and essay deadlines, eating can become an overlooked and rushed afterthought. However mindful eating can transform mealtime into a refreshing and stress-relieving act. To eat mindfully is to bring non-judgmental awareness to the act of eating, to notice both the food and our body’s sensations while eating. It’s an invitation to slow down, relax, and appreciate our food.

5 Cooking Basics for Midterm Season

March 21, 2019
During midterm season, the question of what to eat becomes more desperate. It becomes more of a question of what to eat when I’m running low on groceries, don’t know what to cook, and don’t have time to think about food right now. And sure, during these hectic weeks, Uber Eats and local spots have always been there for me, providing a quick solution to my dilemma. It works for the first few meals, and then slowly I realize my checking account won’t be able to sustain my current eating habits for very long. I had to find another way, and after lots of practice and experimentation, I did! I figured out some basic principles that can be used to make meals that are not only fast and cheap, but also delicious, and I’d love to share them with you so that you can use your time and brainpower for exams, not for agonizing over what to make for dinner. Here are 5 basic cooking skills you can use to make fast and delicious meals to fuel you through exam season.

Ask the Dietitian: Craving Candy

March 15, 2017
I eat way too much candy, especially during exams. What should I do when I have cravings?

Home Cooking Basics

December 18, 2018
Watch three videos on home cooking basics with Nutrition Outreach Workers, Nikki and Katie.